Some of KT's Story
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KT (Katy Macdonald) has been painting for approximately 53 years. She believes that "art" (painting, drawing, poetry, theatre, music and writing) is a gateway to the essence and the soul. She has always been interested in how a "work of art" can express a previously unknown truth about a story, a scene or an individual. She has been fascinated with understanding people's individual stories through painting.

KT has been married for 25 years, has 2 children (20 years and 14 years), a cat, and a wacky dog. She has lived in South Berkeley, CA for 28 years.

She works currently with mixed media: acrylic, pastel, linoleum block print, colored pencil, paper-mache and found objects. She creates collages on canvas or sometimes on found objects to express a scene, story or individual vision.

All KT's current paintings are now available as Giclee (Zhee – Clay) prints. See individual prices and sizes for each print on the pages of this web site and contact her if you are interested!

To order a commissioned painting, please email her at katy@ktpaintsyourstory.com or call 510 301-9172. Prices vary on all commissions.

KT can incorporate photos, prints, memorabilia, found objects and even poetry into each pesonalized collage painting.


Education and Experience

KT has a B.A. from U.C. Santa Barbara and an M.A. in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in Drama Therapy from Antioch University.

She has been teaching and facilitating creative arts therapy groups for over twenty years with mentally ill adults, frail eldery, developmentally disabled adults, Alzheimer patients and with children.
